Thursday 18 November 2010

B&W - Republic

I've always absolutely loved the Republic branding and it suddenly hit me that a lot of my work is inspired by this simple approach to logo design, so I thought I'd better make it known.

Nearly all the clothing labels sold in Republic have been designed by the same studio (B&W),  and though they are all different, they all work together in a way that defines the shop as a whole.

Republic Branding

Crafted Jeanswear

Soul Cal 

Monday 8 November 2010

Tess Beighton - Identity

Halftones & Headphones

These are some of the better identities I've found to show Tess tomorrow, I think it's easy to go for something standard and I obviously don't want that to be the case. These designs don't really do anything for our limited budget, but I'm pretty sure she'll quite like the overall style here. The logos are quite intricate and fun looking, I think that will be favoured over the more simplistic style that I'm accustomed to.
This style also lends itself quite nicely to screen printing, where the misalignment is part of the design and adds a personal quality not unlike the service shes providing.